My Top 10 Youtubers
I was stalking one of the blogs that I recently fell in love with and I got this post idea from her. I loved reading it and thought it would be fun to do one. So let's begin! :D
10.) Laura Vitale

I remember the first video I saw of her's was the "Butterscotch Cannoli" one. From then on I always tune in when a new video was out. I've even made some of her stuff which is soo good. Creamy Pesto anyone?
9.) Meredith Foster

I LOVE HER HAIR! Just perfection. She's so... what's the word. Free, I guess? Haha, I don't know.

This picture was too epic not to use.
She's a little bit different from most Youtubers. She has more of a casual channel. She always holds a cup like it's a little sit down talking to your friends over breakfast. I love it. She's wicked! Anybody else has the urge to feel her hair.The curls, the fluff!
7.) Meghan Rienks

Three words. Mermaid in disguise. I found her while looking for some "What I got for Christmas" video's and I found my soul sista. Her channel is more of a mix rather than just one thing but she's too funny not to watch.
6.) Chef John

Let me tell you bout' this man right up there. He's the man. He's hilarious in all his video's and he's a chef. DOES IT GET ANY BETTER!? Nope, nope it doesn't. I think I killed about 100 videos in one day which doesn't mean much since he's got a whole bunch more.

*sigh* Alfie Deyes. I love him and I love love love his vlogs. They're perfect. After a while of watching him he's just got those cute moments when you're like AW ALFIE! Plus it doesn't hurt that he has an accent. ;)
Her channel is now growing and is soon to hit one million. GO, GO, GO! Her diy's are super cool. I loved the BTS series this summer. The notebook, dry erase one, and the stuffed dollie ones are my favorite.
I remember watching one of her first vlogs and became addicted to her channel. I cant say that I kept up with it but when I got re-addicted to YouTube I instantly found her again except with millions of more followers. She's has so much success and I feel like a proud mother. Haha.
I adore this girl! She is one of the biggest reason I got into makeup. Her tutorials are the bomb dot com. Plus her voice is so soothing like seriously shes like the Makeup Morgan Freeman.
Of course, Zoe would be my number one. Shes my favorite :). I love her main videos especially the hauls and challenges but what I could watch all day are her vlogs. Does anyone else get really excited when you see a new vlog with her and alfie in it.